Prenatal Acupuncture for Each Trimester

Pregnant couple gets acupuncture

Nido Wellness provides acupuncture for your whole pregnancy.

Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting periods in a woman’s life but it can also bring challenges. Receiving acupuncture care during your pregnancy can help you through all of the ups and downs of pregnancy. With an individualized, holistic care plan, you can feel support and relief throughout your whole pregnancy. At Nido Wellness, we want to be proactive in addressing the concerns that may arise during this unique time in your life.

With acupuncture and Chinese medicine, we have these powerfully effective tools to share with you as safe and natural medicine during your pregnancy. People reach to acupuncture for a variety of reasons during pregnancy. Some people already know the benefits of acupuncture and want to utilize it throughout their whole pregnancy, while others come to acupuncture for a specific issue that pops up along the way. Whenever you make it to acupuncture, you are welcome!

Our clients have struggled with many conditions including migraines, allergies, acute illnesses, high blood pressure, autoimmune conditions, pain conditions, and emotional imbalances to minimize symptoms and treat the root causes safely and naturally. If you have a pre-existing condition that you take medication for or other treatment that you cannot utilize during pregnancy, acupuncture is often a helpful addition to your OBGYN care plan.

Check out some of the ways Nido Wellness supports clients in each trimester. Some of these issues can carry over depending on your own individual experience of pregnancy.

First Trimester Acupuncture

Your first trimester can be quite an adjustment. You may experience fatigue and/or nausea. Many people feel anxious to get through the hurdles of the first trimester. We’re here to help.


morning sickness
miscarriage prevention

Achieving pregnancy after going through loss, fertility struggles, or infertility can bring about extra stress and anxiety. Weekly acupuncture treatments during the first trimester can do wonders for calming your nervous system and feeling seen and supported in the first part of your pregnancy.

Second Trimester Acupuncture

You may feel relief from your first trimester struggles when you get to the second trimester. Nausea can ease up and you may feel more energy. We might see you less frequently during this time but we are here for you when something comes up including some of these common issues. 


body pain
round ligament pain
gestational diabetes
placenta previa
shortness of breath

Third Trimester

Your third trimester may or may not bring you increased pregnancy symptoms or discomfort. We see pregnant clients every day in our practice who are feeling great and want to continue feeling that way. We are also here for you when you are not feeling your best.


body pain - pubic symphysis pain, hip pain, back pain, and more
carpal tunnel syndrome
preeclampsia & high blood pressure
sleep support
swelling & water retention
breech and posterior presentation
birth and labor preparation

Schedule your prenatal visit here

For 4th trimester, click here!


Optimize Your Fertility with Acupuncture


Preparing for Labor with Acupuncture