General Health

We care about your quality of life.

We work with adults and teens of all genders for a variety of conditions. Acupuncture activates your body’s own innate healing response. Chinese herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years to prevent and treat most diseases. Our clients often reach out because they are suffering from illnesses that are not being healed by other interventions or they prefer a more natural approach to their health.

We believe in a holistic view of your health and offer nourishing, creative solutions to help you feel better in your body. In addition to acupuncture and herbal medicine, we offer diet and lifestyle recommendations, meditation practices, as well as moxibustion and cupping depending on your unique needs.

A few of the areas in which we shine

  • digestive health

  • emotional support

  • stress and anxiety

  • allergies

  • addiction support

acupuncture for arthritis