• We offer the convenience of scheduling appointments through our online booking system. Here you can schedule, reschedule, and move appointments around without waiting for a reply.

    You are also always welcome to reach out through email if you would like help with scheduling or if you don’t see a time on the schedule that works for you.

  • We do not accept or bill insurance but we are happy to provide you with a detailed and itemized receipt, upon request, so that you can seek reimbursement. We recommend checking first with your insurance company to confirm that you have acupuncture benefits and to find out what specific conditions they cover.

    Please know that we cannot provide a superbill for people who are only seeking fertility support. Insurance plans do not cover acupuncture for infertility.

  • We are happy to accept health spending and flex spending account cards and will provide you with an itemized receipt, upon request.

  • Make sure to eat a small meal or snack before coming to acupuncture and do not arrive with an empty stomach.

    Wear loose clothing so we can access below your elbows and knees.

    Schedule heavy exercise workouts before your treatment instead of afterward if possible.

    Make space to rest, and be sure to drink plenty of water after your treatment.

  • Yes! I often support whole families and extended family members with a variety of ailments and concerns. I love being a part of your family's support system and holistic care team.

  • Yes! I am here to support you and welcome your questions between appointments. I will always try to respond within 24 hours except for weekends and holidays.