Moxibustion for a Breech Baby

Moxibustion for breech baby position

What if my baby is breech? Can acupuncture help my breech baby?

Learning that your baby is breech can be an incredibly stressful and disappointing development in your pregnancy. If you have hoped for a vaginal birth, a breech baby can feel like a huge blow to your vision and birth plan.

At Nido Wellness, we offer acupuncture in conjunction with moxibustion when babies are in a breech, transverse or posterior position. Breech, transverse, and posterior baby positions can turn head-down using Chinese medicine tools.

Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that utilizes the herb Ai Ye, Mugwort aka Artemesia, as a heat source outside of the body to warm and activate the flow of blood, fluid, and qi in your body. In the case of breech babies, a specific channel that communicates with your uterus is activated to promote a shift in your baby’s position. Ai Ye is a Chinese herb that has an affinity to the womb and warms the body. Moxibustion is a safe, non-invasive technique to encourage your baby into the optimal position.

Acupuncture treatments for breech presentation focus on increasing circulation, creating more space in your abdomen and pelvis, releasing tension in your muscles and joints, regulating/calming your nervous system, and helping to restore health and balance to your overall system. We recommend weekly acupuncture treatments to focus on optimal positioning for your baby. Once your baby is in a good position, we can then work on preparing you for labor. Acupuncture is incredibly safe throughout your whole pregnancy. We are trained and specialize in prenatal acupuncture care. Your safety and the safety of your baby are always the highest priority.

Moxibustion for a breech position does not work 100% of the time. If your baby doesn’t move into an optimal position, there could be a reason that they are staying put like an injury to your pelvis, a uterine abnormality, the position of your placenta and cord, or they are just really comfortable. Whatever the reason, it is not your fault that your baby is breech. I believe that your baby and your body are inherently wise. I trust that they know what is best to keep you both safe.

What to expect for your first visit

If you are a new patient, your first acupuncture and moxibustion session will include:

  • a detailed pregnancy and relevant health history

  • a moxibustion tutorial and instructions

  • relaxing acupuncture treatment

  • moxa sticks for purchase to take home

During our session, you will be taught how to use moxa sticks at home. The recommended time spent doing moxibustion (“moxa” for short) is two 20-minute sessions daily for ten days or until you receive confirmation from your birth team that your baby is in the optimal position. For best results, we suggest pairing your moxibustion practice with inversions and stretches from the Spinning Babies website. Discontinue your moxa practice once your baby is head down.

There are a few instances where we would not recommend moxibustion treatment for breech babies:

  • Pregnancy with twins or with multiples

  • Low amniotic fluid

  • Placenta previa

  • Past history of preterm labor

  • Hemorrhaging during pregnancy

  • Rupture of membranes

  • Known fetal condition/complications

If you want to know if moxibustion is right for you, please reach out to us.

If you would like to book a session, click here.


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