Pear Ginger Lung Tonic for Autumn in Sonoma County

A Chinese Medicine Recipe for Nourishing the Lungs

Every season in Chinese medicine has attributes connected to it: an emotion, an organ system, an element, and more. The season of Autumn is the season of the Lungs. We believe that if we live in harmony with nature we will also be in balance within our bodies. One of the beautiful ways we see this is that the things that grow during a particular season can help with the organ of that season. All we have to do is look outside to our local Petaluma community; in our gardens, orchards, and farms to see what we have available. So, here we have pears ready to pick and use to help us heal our bodies and nourish our lungs during the Lung season.

Pear Ginger Decoction

  • 1 pear chopped into 1-inch cubes

  • 1-inch knob of fresh ginger or more

  • Water

Put pear and ginger into a pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 20 minutes or until the water becomes a syrup. You can make a bigger batch to save and reheat on the stovetop. Drink the syrup and eat the pears. Eat as much of the ginger as you’d like. Make and have this daily until you are feeling better.

More to Know about Chinese medicine remedies 

Pears nourish the Lung yin which helps maintain moisture in the lungs. I recommend having the pear ginger decoction at night before you sleep if you are experiencing a nighttime cough or dry cough. You can have it any time of the day but it helps lubricate the lungs when there is dryness and keep the cough away.  Paired with ginger, this dynamic duo can help clear phlegm from the lungs. Ginger is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and a natural expectorant for the lungs. Ginger is anti-inflammatory being great to help soothe inflammation in the lungs. It can also help stop viruses and coughs in our bodies.

Give it a try and let us know what you think! When colds and germs go around in Petaluma, we rely on this amazing immune-boosting concoction to keep our Sonoma County community well. For more information about how to boost your immune system, schedule a consultation today!


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