Treating Round Ligament Pain with Acupuncture

Nido Wellness in Petaluma offers prenatal acupuncture

Acupuncture and Round Ligament Pain

Round ligament pain is a common pain during pregnancy that most people think they have to live with. It comes up often during the second trimester but can be felt earlier in the first trimester and some people feel it later too. Described as a sudden cramp or a sharp pain in the groin or lower abdomen, it can be pretty startling and painful. 

The uterus has two round ligaments, one on each side. As your uterus grows to make room for a growing baby, the round ligaments attached from your uterus to your groin start to stretch, which is why the pain occurs in the first place. 

Most commonly, round ligament pain is felt when changing positions or rolling over in bed. But any sudden movement can trigger it, or unfortunately, no movement at all for some. But you don’t have to suffer because we are here to help. Many clients have come to us specifically for round ligament pain and found quick relief. Others have already been in our care and described the pain they were experiencing, we identified it for them as RLP and were able to help! 

Acupuncture works on what is called the Jing Mai, a channel or meridian system with distinct paths of communication going up and down our bodies. We are able to access the acupuncture channels that run through the abdomen and groin from distal locations such as the legs and arms. Which is to say, no we won’t be putting any needles into your groin or your abdomen when you are pregnant! 

Our favorite treatment for round ligament pain involves a few tiny needles on your shoulder if you can believe it. 

When you get prenatal acupuncture, you get to be either propped up on a bolster with comfy pillows in a reclined position or side-lying with as many pillows as you need. Your comfort is so important to us and we are trained to treat you safely and effectively.

Book a session today at our Petaluma acupuncture office! 


Meet Petaluma Acupuncturist, Colleen Putnam, L.Ac.